Tony DuBose

Doctor in Psychology, Executive Director of Behavioral Tech, founded by Marsha Linehan, Directly Responsible for Intensive DBT Training provided by the institution. One of the most recognized DBT specialists in the treatment of adult and adolescent patients with suicidal and self-injurious behaviors, among other disorders.

Vinícius Guimarães Dornelles

Master in Psychology - Human Cognition, DBT Specialist by Behavioral Tech, First native Portuguese speaking Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Trainer, Specialist in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy by Universidad de Lujan/ARG, Specialist in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Specialist in Evidence-Based Therapies for BPD by Fundación Foro Trainee-in-training at Behavioral Tech, Official reviewer of the translation of the skill manuals by phd Dr. Marsha Linehan Contato: +55 11 98851-9405

Monique Françoise Vardi Pinheiro

Clinical Psychologist – CRP 20/06336 Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor by Maryland Department of Health and Hygiene, USA. • Psychologist from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – SP with more than 15 years of practice • Advanced Studies in Psychology from Towson University in Maryland, USA • She was a Senior Clinical Psychologist for 6 years in the Department of Community Child Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Maryland , USA • 3 years as a Psychiatric Physician in the Emergency Department at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center • Experience in Hospital Psychology and volunteer psychologist at Hospital Dia Infantil, Hospital das Clinicas – Ipq/HC/FMUSP • Participation in the validation of new diagnoses from the infant sample for DSM-V • Intensive training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy by the Behavioral Tech/Linehan Institute • Mentor in DBT by DBT Brasil • Founding partner of HMC and DBT Amazônia

Eduardo Martinho Junior

Psychiatrist - CRM: 124928. He is a Fellow Researcher in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, Fellow researcher at Wright State University, USA, Collaborating Physician at the Integrated Outpatient Clinic (Borderline Personality Disorder patients and others). Researcher at the Medical Investigation Laboratory of Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (LIM/21) of FMUSP. Medical Residency preceptor at USP's Psychiatry Institute, being one of those responsible for teaching Psychiatry to the resident physicians at USP's School of Medicine. Physician preceptor at USP's Psychiatry Institute, being one of those responsible for teaching psychiatry to the 5th year students at USP's School of Medicine. Specialist in Psychiatry by the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry (ABP). Medical residency in psychiatry at the Psychiatry Institute of the FMUSP Hospital das Clínicas (IPqHCFMUSP).  

Êdela Nicoletti

Clinical Psychologist - CRP 06/25082- 0. Specialist in Cognitive Therapy; Mentor and tutor of the Cognitive Therapy Proficiency Program; Training in Teaching and Supervision by the Beck Institute; Director of the Veda Cognitive Therapy Center; Honorary Professor of the Training Team of the Instituto Nora Cavaco de Portugal; PTSD certification by the Beck Institute; Training in DBT (Intensive Training) by Behavioral Tech/The Linehan Institute. She is a Certified Specialist by FBTC and DGERT. Managing partner and founder of DBT Brasil.

Tamires Pimentel

Psychologist graduated from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2013), held a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology (2018-2020), and is currently pursuing a PhD with a CAPES scholarship in the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at UNISINOS. She has training in Contextual Behavioral Therapies from InTCC (2014-2015) and training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) from Behavioral Tech/The Linehan Institute (2016). She works as a clinical psychologist and supervisor in DBT, a theme in which she teaches as an invited professor in undergraduate and graduate courses around the country. Associated to the Laboratory for Studies in Psychotherapy and Psychopathology - LAEPSI (UNISINOS), she investigates the processes present in evidence-based psychotherapies for Borderline Personality Disorder, especially DBT.

Marseylle Assis

Psychologist graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). Master's student in Mental Health (IPUB/UFRJ). Specialist in Contextual Therapies (CEFI-POA). Extension in Eating Disorders and Obesity (IPUB/UFRJ). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist certified by the Brazilian Federation of Cognitive Therapies (FBTC). Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Training and DBT Skills Training (Behavioral Tech). MBA in Business Management (FGV-RJ). She worked as a psychology supervisor at the Clinic for Study and Treatment of Eating Disorders and Obesity (CETTAO) at Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro. Professor and clinical supervisor of post-graduate and training courses in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies. Partner-Director of the InLazo Institute.

Fellipe Augusto de Lima Souza

Psychologist at the Eating Disorders Outpatient Clinic of the Psychiatry Institute, Clínicas Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo - AMBULIM IPq HC FMUSP. Coordinator of the DBT Group of the Eating Behavior Ward - ECAL IPq HC FMUSP. Mentor at Behavioral Tech's Intensive Training in DBT (USA) and DBT Brazil. Clinical Supervisor in the DBT specialization of CTC Veda and DBT Brasil. Technical reviewer of the book DBT Program for Emotional and Compulsive Eating from Stanford University and Founder of CEBRATA - Brazilian Center for Updating in Eating Disorders.

Esequias Caetano A. Neto

Clinical Psychologist - CRP: 04/ 35023. Specialization in Behavioral Clinic, with Intensive Training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy by the Behavioral Tech|The Linehan Institute. Training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Functional Analytic Therapy. He is a partner at Ello: Núcleo de Psicologia e Ciências do Comportamento. He is founder and general director of the Portal Comporte-se: Psicologia e Análise do Comportamento, where he also coordinates the Dialectical Behavior Therapy team of columnists. He is an affiliate member of the Brazilian Association for Behavior Analysis (ACBr).  

Erica Panzani Duran

Clinical Psychologist - CRP: 06/96796. Specialist in Exercise Physiology from the Federal University of São Paulo and in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy from Faculdades Integradas de Taquara and from the Anxiety Program of the Psychiatry Institute of the Clinical Hospital of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo. He teaches in the Specialization and Improvement Course in the area of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Mental Health at the Psychiatry Institute of the Clinics Hospital of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo. She has experience in Psychology in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Process Cognitive Therapy.  
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