agencia2b2022-08-01T18:24:27-03:00Psychiatrist - CRM: 124928. He is a Fellow Researcher in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, Fellow researcher at Wright State University, USA, Collaborating Physician at the Integrated Outpatient Clinic (Borderline Personality Disorder patients and others). Researcher at the Medical Investigation Laboratory of Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (LIM/21) of FMUSP. Medical Residency preceptor at USP's Psychiatry Institute, being one of those responsible for teaching Psychiatry to the resident physicians at USP's School of Medicine. Physician preceptor at USP's Psychiatry Institute, being one of those responsible for teaching psychiatry to the 5th year students at USP's School of Medicine. Specialist in Psychiatry by the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry (ABP). Medical residency in psychiatry at the Psychiatry Institute of the FMUSP Hospital das Clínicas (IPqHCFMUSP).